58 million to combat school segregation

The agreement to approve the budgets of the Generalitat between the ERC and the PSC in education It includes increase the budget for educational concerts by 39 million. Increase that, according to what was agreed, will be done by “improving” the operating module -the money that the subsidized centers receive for each class group- (28.1 million) and increased operating costs (10.9 million more to cope with rising supplies). This increase is carried out, according to PSC sources, within the framework of the Pact against School Segregation in Catalonia, for the deployment of which -one of the major pending issues in this matter- the agreement includes an investment of 58 million.

The total investment in Education foreseen in these budgets is 6.826 million, 675 million more than last year, as highlighted by the Department, although a figure still far from the 6% that the LEC includes, as the unions recall.

One of the items that this agreement has increased the most is the one destined to I-2: 52.3 million more in financing kindergartens “to guarantee the free I2 in all nursery schools in Catalonia, until you reach the 84.7 million. Almost 38 -37.7- of these will be devoted to municipal nursery schools“to cover the forecast increase in occupied positions and shield the return of agreed arrears“, Y 12.4 million for the line of subsidies to private nurseries, with an endowment of 800 euros per student and course.

Vocational training

The agreement with the PSC also includes establish as a priority training and professional qualification policies de Catalunya for next year to jointly develop with the employers’ and trade union organizations the first General Prospective Report 2023-2026, which should serve as the basis for increase the supply of vocational training places in Catalonia, adjusting to training needs and demand, incorporating into the planning of the offer the conclusions provided by the aforementioned General Prospective Report.

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In this sense, the agreement includes an increase in 23.7 million (up to 138) the Educational Equipment Plan, that will be oriented “primarily” -always according to the agreement- to “increase FP equipment“.

pending subjects

Refering to inclusive educationanother of the great pending subjects, the agreed budgets include 590.5 million to this matter, an increase of 69.5 million more than last year. Almost 30 of them –29.4- will be allocated a the hiring of monitors, and 10.8 for shared schooling units. The agreement with In Comú Podemfor its part, includes increasing in five millions the budget allocation to the General Directorate of Inclusive Education.
