5000 trees accidentally mowed: ‘Tree festival day will be tree mourning day’

Tree Day in Cuijk became tree mourning day in Cuijk this week. There, 5,000 saplings were mercilessly mowed down by a contractor. The landscaped forest has become a meadow again in one fell swoop.

Arie van Hees and Wim Koetsier can’t believe it. The two men from nature club IVN thought they were on the wrong piece of land this week. “And then I recognized one of those big trees that were already there and then I remembered it,” says Wim.

In November, 56 children from Haps went to the site behind the noise barrier at the A73 to plant trees. The children were taken there by buses. They planted a total of 5000 trees.

“It is not yet clear who is to blame.”

“It is very unfortunate for the children,” the men say. But how the trees could be mowed is still the question. In return for The Gelderlander says the municipality of Land van Cuijk that it regrets the mowing action. “How this could have happened, what exactly went wrong, we are now investigating. It is not yet clear who is to blame.”

Wim and Arie realize that it is too late and that the question of guilt no longer matters. They find one more meager tree on the huge field.

“It’s become a tree mourning day.”

“It has become a tree mourning day,” says Wim resignedly. Together with Arie, he has no idea whether the trees will be planted again. “The municipality has 33 church villages and there is a new council. So I don’t think it’s our turn for the time being.”

In November it was still a party:

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