500 euro bonus for part-time workers reconfirmed for 2023

Bgood news for part time workers: the 550 euro bonus for the support of employees of private companies with a vertical cyclical part-time contract, i.e. with rhythms of alternation between activity and inactivity defined and fixed over time, was reconfirmed also for 2023.

Gen Z and work, a fluid relationship

Bonus 500 part time workers, the news

Before introducing the new feature that will characterize the renewal of the benefit, it is important to underline that the bonus for 2022 is expiring and there is only time until November 30th to submit the application and obtain the one-off payment to cover the periods not worked during 2021. Moving on to see what changes for questions regarding 2023, this time the bonus will be recognized for all types of part-time contracts, not only for the vertical cyclical one, provided that such employment relationships have been characterized by a cyclical suspension of work activity of at least one month continuously and between 7 and 20 weeks. The question, in this case, it is sent from the INPS website or through patronages from 13 November to 15 December 2023.

From today to 15 December, the request for a bonus for vertical part-time workers can be submitted to INPS (Getty)

The necessary requirements

In order to access the 550 euro bonus for cyclical part-time work, workers must obviously comply with a series of requirements. Meanwhile, they must be starters in 2021 or 2022 of a part-time employment contract characterized by periods not entirely worked of at least one month on a continuous basis. Furthermore, workers, when submitting the application, must not: be holders of other employment relationships, take NASpI, the new Social Employment Insurance, be holders of direct pension treatment.

Bonus for part-time workers, how to send the application

The allowance, as mentioned, is one-off and does not contribute to the formation of income. It is paid by INPS after the submission of a specific application. Requests can be sent from November 13th to 15 December 2023, from the INPS platform by logging in with the SPID, CIE or CNS. Those who are eligible and have not submitted it in 2022 will be able to send both applications. However, those who have already submitted the application for 2022, regardless of the outcome, will only be able to submit the application for 2023.

