50 pakjes cocaïne in beslag genomen op cabinet of PS minister Caroline Désir: “We hebben hem meteen ontslagen” | Inland

Bij a housing op the cabinet of Caroline Désir (PS), the minister of Onderwijs in the Franse Gemeenschapsregering, zijn 50 pakjes cocaïne in beslag taken. This reports ‘La Dernière Heure’. The zoon of parliamentslid Fadila Laanan (PS) is housed in association with the same zaak. Hij worked as an econoom within the cabinet, maar were meteen ontslagen toen de zaak aan the light kwam.

He will also receive 10,000 euros in cash from him in the state, in the Waals region. The inval on the cabinet was in December on the floors. Het nieuws will now be kept secret.

The words of Desir tell you that the affair is in the dark. “Operatively on December 15, we heard that the Van Haelen geared up was in a drug trafficking situation,” says Jean-François Mahieux. “Een dag later zette de minister de ontslagprocedure omwille van vertrouwensbreuk in. Wij hebben vervolgens op eigen initiatief zijn kantoor doorzocht en zijn zo op de zakjes drugs stoten. On the cabinet heeft daarop contact opgenomen met a criminal law advocate.”

Fadila Laanan was in het verleden onder meer Franse Community Minister of Youth and Culture. Now we are in the Brussels High Council Parliament and the Parliament of the French Community. © belga

Volgens Mahieux was he from the geen language of a house. “We raised our grandchildren with the speurders. On December 17th, we had to spend some time in the canteen in all the rooms that had been left behind. He won’t really get any extra information. Other grandchildren will be heard.”

KIJK OOK. 2.5 ton of cocaïne onderschept in stone kool voor Antwerp haven
