5 x special friendships between Zoetermeerders

In Zoetermeer there are special friendships between fellow citizens. Friends who know each other from primary school, the playgroup, the horse riding school or through befriended parents. We spoke to ten Zoetermeer residents who have been friends for over thirty years. We have listed the best stories.

Leontien and Marjon

Leontien and Marjon have known each other from an early age from the horse riding school where they both took lessons. After 38 years they are still best friends. Hilarity and always being there for each other keeps their friendship alive.

Leontien and Marjon have been friends for 38 years: ‘We end up together in the same retirement home’

  • Zoetermeerder of the Week

They call themselves ‘nice and crazy’ but they are always there for each other. Leontien Kuijpers (48) and…

Marielle and Carola

Mariëlle and Carola’s parents were friends. For example, both Zoetermeer ladies grew up together and they are still together after 42 years.

Gymnastics together, to primary school and steps in Amphion: Mariëlle and Carola share 42 years of friendship

  • Zoetermeerder of the Week

For example, parents may be friends with each other, but that does not mean that the…

Marielle and Carola Zoetermeer

Saskia and Arnold

Often people are judgmental when a husband and wife are friends. But Saskia and Arnold have never had a relationship with each other and after 37 years still have a good friendship.

Arnold and Saskia have been friends for 37 years: ‘Dear Sas, I wish you all the happiness in the world’

  • Zoetermeerder of the Week, Zoetermeerders

Zoetermeerders Arnold Smit (39) and Saskia (39) have known each other for 37 years. From two-year-old toddlers to…

Friends Zoetermeer

Linda and Karin

Linda and Karin became friends thirty years ago as young girls. Their friendship runs like a thread through their lives.

Thirty years of friendship: ‘Linda is just as proud of my children as of her own’

  • Zoetermeerder of the Week, Zoetermeerders

Linda Oosterbaan (36) and Karin de Gruiter (36) have been friends since their fourth. On the obstacle course…

Karin and Linda Zoetermeer

Martin and Vincent

Martijn and Vincent met each other more than thirty years ago at preschool. As teenagers they came up with nicknames for each other: Pisa and Tino. Since then, others have known the two friends no different.

Martijn and Vincent have been friends for more than 35 years: ‘If he starts talking, I already know what he wants to say’

Martijn van Zelst (42) and Vincent Pisa (42) have been friends through thick and…

Vincent and Martijn Zoetermeer

5 x special friendships between Zoetermeerders

  • Zoetermeerder of the Week

In Zoetermeer there are special friendships between fellow citizens. Friends who know each other from primary school, the playgroup,…

Karin and Linda Zoetermeer


Do you also want to tell us about your special friendship? Which can! With you together or with you alone as a surprise for your best friend. Send us an email at [email protected] and we will contact you.

Mariëlle and Carola 35 years
