5 x facts about the closed Mandela Bridge in a row

Roads and railways remain open

Many people wonder: But why do the A12, the Zuidweg and the railway remain open under that dangerous bridge? We put that question to alderman Marijke van der Meer: “The chance of more accidents and even deaths is much greater if we close the A12, for example,” explains the alderman.

When closed, traffic will move to other places. “There is more traffic there and with it the necessary accidents. With the closure of the highway, emergency services are prevented from getting to the scene of an accident. The chance of more casualties is much greater in the event of a closure than the chance of the bridge collapsing and the number of casualties that could be associated with it. That is why we choose not to close the roads.”

The Mandela Bridge over the A12 as the figurehead of the city. Photo: AD
