5 tips what to do if an angry buzzard attacks you

A breeding buzzard ravages walkers and cyclists in nature reserve De Maashorst. Last week a mountain biker was attacked. That is why warning signs have now been placed. But what should you do if a buzzard attacks you?

Provided: the chance that you are attacked by a bird of prey is quite small. But now that it’s breeding season, they’re more likely to feel threatened and want to defend their nest or their young. If you are attacked, like last week in De Maashorst, or want to prevent an attack, forest ranger Sjaak Smits has a few tips for you.

1. Stay clear
It is obvious, but if you stay away from the nest, a bird of prey will not easily attack you either. So walk or cycle around the block if you can.

2. Adjust your speed
The faster you speed past the bird of prey’s nest, the more likely it is to see you as a threat and attack.

3. Wear a helmet or cap
Then you are less likely to get hurt when a buzzard spreads its claws at you.

4. Do not wear bright clothing
Bright or fluorescent clothing can be considered dangerous or threatening by birds of prey.

5. Wave your hands
Wave your arms and hands when attacked. Buzzards often go for the highest point. So there is a good chance that they will attack your hands instead of your head.

The breeding season will be over in a few weeks. When the young buzzards have fledged, peace returns. Also in De Maashorst.

READ ALSO: Bird of prey attacks mountain biker in nature reserve
