5 tips to save data on iPhone

Automatically playing Facebook videos, apps that gobble up data in the background and volume-consuming updates: If you’re not careful, the monthly data volume can be used up quickly. TECHBOOK explains how to reduce the data consumption of the iPhone.

Unfortunately, you have to be careful with the data consumption on your smartphone and if you’re not careful, the mobile data will be used up before the end of the month. To prevent this from happening, TECHBOOK has five tips for saving data volume on the iPhone and surfing at full speed for longer.

1. Check your own consumption

The first step to getting your data usage under control is to find the biggest data suckers on your cell phone. For this you only have to settings of the iPhone open and Mobile network choose. Scrolling down lists all the apps that use mobile internet and more importantly, how much mobile internet they use.


Is there an app that you rarely use or don’t use at all, but still uses a lot of data? In this case, you can either completely separate the app from the mobile Internet by flipping the switch next to the app and only use it in the WLAN, or you can only switch off the background updates for the app.

You have to go back to the settings of the iPhone and scroll down until you find the app in question. Here you can now background refresh Deactivate – so the app only uses the Internet when you actually use it, which can sometimes save an enormous amount of data volume on the iPhone.

2. Make WhatsApp, Facebook and Co. less data-hungry

With apps like WhatsApp and Facebook, denying them access to the mobile network or turning off background updates is not an option for many. But here, too, there are ways to save data volume via the iPhone.

Both are worth taking a look at settings: WhatsApp, for example, allows content such as videos and voice messages to be downloaded automatically and to save volume only via WLAN. You can also set reduced data consumption for WhatsApp calls. The way there leads within WhatsApp via the settings. Click here Data and Storage Usageyou can determine there which data should be transmitted via the mobile Internet.


You can find out how you can save even more data on WhatsApp in the linked article.

On Facebook, a big data guzzler is the autoplay of videos in the timeline. To deactivate this function, you have to tap on the three lines in the bottom right of the app, then on settings and Account Settings. Here you can now videos and photos select and there at the function auto play Restrict automatic video download to Wi-Fi. Depending on how much you use Facebook on the go, you can significantly reduce data consumption.

3. Turn off WiFi support

Since iOS 9, Apple has installed a function in the iPhones that has already sent many users to the throttled speed without knowing it: “WLAN support” is the name of the function that ensures that the mobile Internet automatically jumps in when WLAN reception is very poor and thus ensures a faster connection.

The problem: The iPhone does not indicate that mobile Internet is being used and users think they are using WLAN. This can result in massive data consumption unconsciously. So if you regularly run out of data volume, you should deactivate this function as a precaution. Simply a den settings on Mobile network tap and scroll all the way down. There is the point WiFi support – disable this.


4. Disable automatic app updates

If you have many apps installed on the iPhone, automatic app updates can swallow up a lot of data volume. You should therefore check whether the iPhone automatically downloads updates and via which connection it does so. To do this, go to the settings of the iPhone and selects iTunes & App Stores.

Here you can not only see what is loaded automatically, but you can also prevent it from being loaded via the mobile network. Simply use the function Use mobile data deactivate and save a lot of data volume via the iPhone.


5. Use browsers with data compression

To reduce data consumption even further, you can switch to a browser that uses compression to further reduce data consumption when surfing. For example, instead of using Safari, you can click Opera Mini evade. Here the compression is automatically activated and you save valuable MB when surfing.

How much data volume do Spotify, Netflix & Co. actually use?

If you want to save data volume, you should also keep in mind what the individual streaming providers like Netflix, Amazon Prime or Spotify actually use. Did you know Spotify uses over 100MB per hour in high quality? In the following article you will find the data consumption of all major streaming services.

In this regard, you can also save data volume by, for example, loading your Spotify playlists onto your iPhone in advance for on the go. The same applies to the streaming provider you use. Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+, for example, all offer a download function. You just need to have enough storage space.

Are you concerned about the topic of data consumption? You are also welcome to take part in our data volume survey!
