5 tips on how to properly charge your smartphone battery

Plugged in and done? Wrong, because you can do a lot wrong when charging your smartphone. In the worst case, the errors ensure that the battery ages and wears out faster.

It is often the dwindling capacity of the battery that leads to smartphones being replaced. But there are some things you can do when charging to prevent premature aging of the cell phone battery. Here are five tips to keep in mind when charging your smartphone.

1. Do not completely charge or discharge the smartphone

Conserve your smartphone battery by not constantly completely discharging it and then fully charging it again. It is ideal for the battery if it constantly moves between 30 and 70 percent. Most batteries that are installed in current smartphones already have a function that automatically takes care of this. Here, the battery is charged overnight only up to a certain point, about 80 percent charge. The battery only draws the remaining 20 percent in the morning, just before users usually disconnect the smartphone from the network.

2. Reload halfway through

If the battery is charged, but has meanwhile been used up again, you should not immediately recharge it. As long as the battery is more than half, the following applies: Use the battery power first before the smartphone is plugged in again.

3. Smartphone charging at room temperature

If the temperature in the room is too high or too low, this can affect the charging cycle of the mobile phone. That’s why you should charge your smartphone at room temperature. It becomes dangerous for the battery at temperatures of more than 40 and less than -10 degrees Celsius. You can read about what cold does to a smartphone here:

The cold is so dangerous for our smartphones

4. Do not use the charger continuously

When the smartphone battery is fully charged, you should unplug the charger. If the smartphone stays connected to the mains for too long with a full battery, this can put a strain on the battery. And it gets expensive, because a charger draws electricity even when the battery is actually already charged.

Also read: Always unplug the charger!

5. Store the battery in a cool place

If the smartphone is not going to be used for a while, it is better if the battery is removed from the cell phone and stored – if possible. This prevents a possible deep discharge, which damages the battery. Warning: store the removed battery in a cool environment. The tip actually only applies to older smartphones, since the battery is usually permanently installed in newer models.
