5 tips for finding a Google Ads expert

1. Check the expertise of the SEA agency

To be able to find a Google Ads expert, it is essential to be well informed about the SEA agency you want to use. Google Ads is a very efficient platform to manage all its paid advertising campaigns, but for people who are new to this field, this platform can be quite difficult to understand and master. “ By using an agency, you benefit from a know-how and a great expertise of the trade says Andréa Bensaid, founder of SEA Eskimoz agency.

A good SEA agency is an agency that has long expertise in the business, ideally several years. It is also an agency which has already carried out numerous projects and with which the majority of its clients are satisfied. Moreover, to better understand the expertise of an SEA agency, you can consult the opinions of former clients. This will allow you to get a clearer idea of ​​the agency’s know-how and the degree of satisfaction of its clients. Inevitably, an agency that has many negative feedbacks will not be the best suited.

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2. Find out about past SEA agency projects

Before even choosing the agency you are going to collaborate with, you must first consult their portfolio containing some of the old projects that the agency has carried out in the past. The portfolio is proof of the professionalism of the agency. It is a pledge of seriousness. But it also allows you to know if it is this agency that you are going to choose or not.

In the portfolio of a Google Ads expert, we find these different projects, but also the names of their clients. Just by consulting an expert’s portfolio, you can learn more about their way of working, their strengths and their weaknesses. This step is very important, because it will help you to better make your choice according to your needs and your expectations. Indeed, depending on the previous work of the expert you are interested in, you will know if his way of working suits you or not.

3. Does the SEA agency use subcontractors?

Some SEA agencies use subcontractors to process certain advertising campaigns. In a sense, it’s not particularly bad if the agencies use real professionals, but they must warn their clients. Agencies need to be completely transparent and honest about this.

If the agency to which you want to entrust the management of your paid advertising campaigns outsources, it is up to you to make the decision to accept it or not. Be careful, however, there are agencies that use subcontractors based in foreign countries and pay them very little, therefore, if you do not want to participate in this exploitation, turn to another SEA agency.

4. Ask the SEA agency about their other services

The SEA agency and the SEO agency should not be confused. If the first takes care of everything related to paid referencing, the second takes care of natural referencing and therefore free. For your Google Ads advertising campaigns, you need an SEA agency. Some agencies offer both types of services. It all depends on your needs. That said, even if you don’t need an SEO agency right now, maybe in a few months you will. Using a mixed agency can be interesting.

5. Check the rates offered by the SEA agency

Advertising campaigns can be expensive and affording the services of an SEA agency is even more so. Many people are attracted to agencies offering very attractive rates. Only, tell yourself that the less you pay an expert and the less time he will spend managing your advertising campaigns! It’s that simple. Hiring an SEA agency is bound to cost you money, but you have to see it as an investment rather than an expense.

Being surrounded by real Google Ads experts is highly beneficial for you and your business. A competent expert necessarily requires remuneration commensurate with his expertise. If you want the SEA agency to spend time on your advertising campaigns, optimize them as well as possible and modify them regularly when necessary, you will have to pay the price, that’s undeniable.

To finish

Without knowledge, it is better not to embark on Google Ads advertising campaigns alone, because you risk investing too much money unnecessarily. The goal of these ad campaigns is to drive traffic to your site, convert those prospects into customers, and increase your sales. If you mismanage your campaigns, you could lose a lot of money.

By entrusting this heavy task to an SEA agency, you are sure to leave your advertising campaigns in good hands. But before that, you must first find the right Google Ads expert you can trust. The various tips mentioned above will allow you to easily find the professional who will fully satisfy you.
