5 savings tips for new parents

A newborn is usually the greatest happiness for the new parents, but it also presents them with numerous new challenges. They are forced to reorganize their lives and everyday life and adapt them to the new conditions. There are also additional costs for the care and maintenance of the child. We tell you how you can relieve your household budget and minimize your everyday stress as new parents.

1. A weekly schedule

A newborn turns the everyday life of the parents upside down and the wishes and needs of the child come to the fore. This is often associated with stress, which can be minimized. Establishing a weekly meal plan can help. This not only saves money, but also reduces everyday organizational stress, which naturally increases with each additional family member. Ideally, all meals are already fixed at the beginning of the week and can be combined with the weekly shopping. With comprehensive planning, you save time that you can spend with your loved ones instead.

2. Pre-cooking

When it comes to nutrition, new parents face a new challenge. You have the choice between the ready-made porridge from the supermarket shelf and the option of cooking yourself. Both have advantages, because while choosing the ready-made meal saves time above all, preparing the meal yourself is particularly cost-effective. Pre-cooking is a good alternative to meals from a jar, especially for parents who pay attention to the quality of the selected products. If you rely on seasonal ingredients from the region when cooking yourself, prepare larger quantities in advance and portion out the homemade baby porridge, you can save both time and money.

3. Toiletries

The selection of care products for babies and toddlers is more than extensive. Special shampoos, shower gels, soaps and creams are lined up on the drugstore shelves and many parents are initially overwhelmed by the sight. However, when it comes to care products, less is more. Children do not need shampoo, shower gel or special soaps in the first few months of their lives. Only a good wound cream is really important. It is also advisable to take a look at the ingredients and many expensive products from the drugstore can be replaced with simple ingredients from the kitchen and nature.

4. Household objects as toys

When it comes to toys, too, the selection for babies and toddlers is huge and tempts many new parents to make overpriced purchases. But children hardly need anything that the colorful toy industry would have us believe to discover, learn and play. Household items often turn out to be inexpensive alternatives and creative toys. Objects that crackle, shine or are malleable are particularly popular. There are also countless craft ideas for all ages on the Internet.

5. Second hand

Things that you can’t make yourself, you still don’t necessarily have to buy expensive new ones. The Internet offers the possibility to borrow a number of items for a limited period of time or even exchange them for something else. Second-hand shops and corresponding platforms on the Internet also represent a cost-effective alternative and often have a large selection. So you can buy toys, furniture or clothes used and cheap.

Editorial office finanzen.net

Image sources: Marian Weyo / Shutterstock.com, kaczor58 / Shutterstock.com
