5 keys to measure Javier Milei after the elections

1. One of his great assets was his brutal honesty. When he said “shitty lefties” or “Patricia set up operations” he said it with 100% conviction. Now Milei holds ideas that she doesn’t believe in. In a turn to the center to look for the votes that she did not know how to add before, she disappears.

2.It’s not just Milei’s personal chaos: it’s also strategic space disorder. What he is doing is called, in Creole, doing politics. It’s going to be a problem: a large part of his vote is because he presented himself as “the new thing”, as the non-political. Did he lose his compass?

3. Putting all the blame on Marra or Lemoine – in addition to personal bills and old wounds – is not a good read: Milei (and the new right leaders) are personalistic phenomena. You vote (or stop voting) for him. The provincial elections (in which the local candidates of La Libertad Avanza made terrible elections) demonstrate this.

4. Interesting reappearance of Álvaro Zicarelli. The intellectual was at the genesis of space, he was a Chancellor in the shadows. But they made him ugly, they accused him of all kinds of defamation and within hours of the result he was coming out to support the space. The previous transformation of La Libertad Avanza had had to do with this: how people who were intellectually honest in their postulates were thrown out, for the benefit of what the comedian Federico Simonetti called “the base caste”, old politicians recycled from other spaces.

5. Going to look for leaders, in addition to not being natural in Milei, is destined to fail. The libertarian is going to fight in the mud of politics, and Sergio Massa was born in that ring. He knows them all. He is known to “pay” well. If Milei plays like this she will lose the game.

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