5 ideas for your content on social networks – Brand

Surely creating content is sometimes not easy for you, we are constantly changing on the networks, so every time we have to think of new ideas and strategies so that our social networks are attractive and we can meet our objectives.

I want to share with you 5 ideas that you can add to your publication calendar, to sell, to inspire, to generate trust, to entertain and to educate your audience.

1 – Humanize your brand: Use your personal story, tell about yourself, how you started, why you do what you do and inspire other people. Put together content with some reflection aimed at your niche.

2 – Content that educates: Tell the step by step of how to do something, about myths that circulate about the category you work in or what you talk about on social networks. Tell tricks, some tips, advice that can help your audience.

3 – Build trust: Share with your audience opinions, testimonials from clients who have already bought from you or already used your service. Ask them for a recommendation and upload them to the networks. This gives you confidence and positioning.

4- You also have to sell, right? : Put together offers, promotions, interesting combos, sell in an original way, don’t make your networks a sales catalog because it’s boring and people aren’t interested.

5 – It’s time for humor: people love to entertain themselves on social networks, make this part of your strategy, ride the wave of memes or trends of the moment, as long as it goes with the voice of your brand, and connect with humor with your audience.

Add them to your content strategy.

Debora Miranda Goldner is a content creator, teacher, social media specialist, sales and digital marketing advisor for many companies and brands in Misiones. If you want to follow her on her networks, find her at @marketingcondeb


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