5 flowering plants for the month of May

Formerly, the year was divided into two climatic seasons: that of good weather (which the Romans called ‘tempus vernum’ or ‘tempus aestivum’) and bad weather (‘hibernum tempus’). Namely, summer and winter.

But in Mediterranean latitudes, temperatures are milder and winters are tempered, giving rise to autumn -a transition season from summer to winter- and spring -which transits between winter and summer-.

hibernation of flowers

And it is precisely in the latter, in spring, where plants and flowers come out of their particular hibernation due to frost and cold temperatures and bloom, giving touches of color to fields and forests.

Of course, in order for them to come out of hibernation, the flowers and plants need to have been watered by the waters of April. “Windy March and rainy April bring out flowery and beautiful May“, says the proverb.

However, the fact that this month has also started rainy means that the flowers still do not shine at their maximum splendor. “This year, production is being delayed, because it is raining and there is no sun, so the plants have not yet flowered,” he explains. Alexander Llisopresident of the Spanish Association of Florists.

Winter and spring tulips

And he exemplifies his affirmation with the case of the tulips. “For northern countries, the tulip is a spring flower. However, for us it is a winter flower,” she says.

In other words, the climate and, above all, the sun have a lot to do with the flowering process of plants and those that bloom in the north of Europe in spring, in Spain do so in winter, due to climate change From one place to another.

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All this does not take away from the fact that May is the month of flowers par excellence. Although it is true that there are plants that have flowers all year round and others that are perfectly resistant to heat and cold, it is usual for Mediterranean plants to show their maximum splendor in spring.

Of the dozens that must be planted and later bloom in spring, some of the most common in Mediterranean latitudes are:

Native to Asia and, more specifically, to Japan and China, which are the countries where there are the largest varieties of hydrangeas. Its name comes from the Latin word for flower ‘horturum’ (‘hortus’, which means garden, garden flower). Today it is grown in a large number of countries that have temperate climate zones. Hydrangeas have also been used as ornamental plant for its beauty. The ideal time to plant them is now, spring, since they cannot withstand temperatures below 12 degrees and require a lot of sun to grow. In summer, it is convenient water them in the morning or at night. If your leaves are starting to turn brown, they may be lacking in water.

also called water lilycomes from South Africa and is a plant that can be located outdoors and indoors, since it does not require direct sun (it is shaded or partially shaded, like the snowdrop). The flowers of the calla lilies, which appear in spring, have funnel shapedusually white, and give off a very nice scent. Calla lilies need very humid soil and do best in the shade, although they can get sun if it is not too strong. It also supports temperatures below zero, but not freezing, so it should be brought indoors if possible on the coldest days.

Coming from southern Europe and Asia, there are several theories about the origin of its name. The first suggests that the word anemone comes from the Greek ‘anemos’ (‘wind’), because its seeds are fluffy and spread through the air. Another theory, also Greek, suggests that there was a nymph called Anemone who lived in the palace goddess Chlorisgoddess of flowers and wife of the god zephyr, the god of the west wind. Mythology says that the god Zephyr, also known as the god of spring, fell in love with her and the goddess Chloris, jealous, turned her into a flower. That is why it is considered that anemones are flowers that symbolize a intense but fragile or momentary love, full of obstacles or impediments. And with them, he expresses himself longing or desire to be with the person to whom they are given. The anemone is a plant that blooms throughout the spring and resistant to both cold and heat, as long as it is not exposed to extreme temperatures and is sheltered from the wind and frost of early spring and the strong sun of summer. If planted in a pot or garden, ensure that the soil is well drained.

The carnation or carnation of the poet

Originally from Europe and Asia, its scientific name is Dianthus Barbatus. The sowing season goes from summer to autumn, depending on the variety, and they bloom in spring, in the month of May. They adapt to any soil that is well drained and require a lot of sun, up to four to five hours of sunlight per day. You have to water it two or three times a week, but it is convenient to make sure by touching the soil and wetting it when it looks excessively dry. In its first year of life it forms a clump of green leaves with stems at the ends of which appear groups of up to thirty flowerseach of which has five petals with irregular edges, in the form of a saw. It stands out for its good smell and its color, which can be a single color or a combination of two colors.

Native to Europe, Asia, and the West Coast of North America, peonies Are the flower queens for traditional Chinese medicine, since its extract is a natural antioxidant which helps to enhance the luminosity of the skin. Another point in favor is that it hardly requires care, because it is a highly resistant plant. Of course, it needs a strategic situation, since requires a lot of sunlight -up to six hours- but not directly during the central hours. It is advisable to plant them in a cool season and not excessively humid, so Begginings of may is a good time to do it. In any case, their robustness means that they will grow -and flourish- in almost any climate.

And, as always, a floor with good drainage and regular watering as soon as spring arrives. Ideally it should be biweekly, a frequency that must be maintained during the summer months. In winter, a weekly and more scarce watering is enough.

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