5 essential pillars in the deployment of a concrete, engaging and sustainable CSR strategy

For several decades now, the environment has been a central concern within societies. It concerns today all the stakeholders of an organization, as much the leaders, the collaborators as the consumers.

According to a survey conducted by Ifop, 95% of French people questioned say they expect companies to commit themselves to social issues. On the employee side, 58% say that CSR (corporate social responsibility) is an important criterion in choosing their job (Cone Communications).

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It should therefore be said that employees and customers are greatly attached to the environmental commitments of organizations. They expect them to position themselves and commit. To do this, they must put in place an effective, engaging and sustainable CSR strategy. In a dedicated webinar on Thursday February 10, 2022 at 11 a.m.CitizenWave, the first collaborative application of commitment through sustainable development, will reveal five main principles for an engaging deployment of its action plan.


Properly implement a CSR strategy

According to a study carried out by Bpifrance Le Lab, 90% of managers of SMEs, ETIs and VSEs indicate that they carry out CSR actions. However, only 25% of them have adopted an approach structured around a real strategy. For this reason, Dominique Bizaoui, Co-founder of CitizenWave, Claudia Lopes, Sustainable Development Project Manager and Marion Garbay, Marketing and Communication Manager within the company, will explain the essential pillars of a CSR action plan. They will come back to the foundations of such an approach.

Based on the case studies of three major international client companies, the three experts will give you advice on managing a CSR strategy and making the development of eco-responsible projects a reality. They will provide participating managers and CSR managers with the keys to implementing a concrete and sustainable action plan.

Engage its employees to sustain its CSR approach

If CSR is at the heart of business development, this project cannot succeed without the commitment of employees. It is essential to co-construct this strategy with them so that everyone’s ideas and expectations can be taken into account. By implementing a collaborative CSR approach, a company ensures that the actions implemented will be relevant and above all transparent. This will make it possible to ensure the implementation of an effective strategy, but also the attractiveness of its company and the performance of its employees. The latter will then be proud of the commitments that have been made within their work environment, thus improving their productivity, and themselves becoming true ambassadors of their company.

As you will discover during this online conference, it will also be essential to ensure good internal and external communication to properly integrate the new responsible values ​​into the culture of your company. This will contribute to sustaining the CSR approach.

Here’s how it’s going to go this webinar of February 10, 2022 :

  • Introducing CitizenWave;
  • The 5 keys to a strong strategic deployment in CSR;
  • Real case study.

CitizenWave’s experts will detail the five essential elements for the development of a CSR strategy so that you can, in turn, undertake this responsible approach.

Don’t forget to register for the webinar!



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