48 kg loose candy Christmas calendar

The Christmas calendar that went on sale last night breaks all print records.

The world’s largest bulk candy Christmas calendar has 24 boxes of approximately 2 kilos of candy. Verkkokauppa.com

If you feel that the candies in the Christmas calendar always run out, there is a solution to your problem. On Thursday evening, a 48 kilo loose candy Christmas calendar went on sale.

– The idea started from the fact that loose candy calendars seem to be popular this year, so I came up with the idea of ​​making our own version: the world’s largest loose candy calendar, laughs Verkkokauppa.com’s product manager Miiri Ylönen.

The tongue-in-cheek calendar seems to have inspired Finns. The calendar post shared on Some has received a lot of likes and comments, Verkkokauppa.com has received messages and what is most incredible: calendars have been bought.

– The popularity surprised us too. This was done with humor, Ylönen is amazed.

As you know, the world’s largest loose candy calendar is packed on a small pallet and you can either pick it up at the store or order home delivery. Posti’s parcel machines are out of the question this time.

This calendar, which costs EUR 299.99 (€6.25/kg), requires a little tinkering from the buyer, because the numbers of the calendar have to be drawn by yourself (or written on the side of the box with a marker) and you can put the candy boxes in the order you want.

One display tip is to stack candy boxes into towers of six boxes.

It also comes with a warning about sugar hangovers, because a couple of kilos of candy a day can be too much for some of us.

Finnish nutritional recommendations and health experts Healthy Weight – according to the association, sweet treats should only form a small part of the diet. For example, an internist specializing in the treatment of obesity Pertti Mustajoki has repeatedly demanded responsible actions from the food industry due to the growing overweight of Finns.
