400,000 euros! Berlin zoo shows heart for zoo animals in Kiev

In a video, the Kiev zoo thanked them for the donations

In a video, zoo director Kyrylo Trantin thanked for the donations. In the background: Elephant Horace. He was born in the Berlin Zoo Photo: Kyiv Zoo

By Isabel Pancake

A lot is missing in Ukraine. Not only the people are in need – also the animals in the zoo of Kiev!

That is why the Berlin Zoo has now donated 400,000 euros to the Askania Nova Zoo and nature reserve in southern Ukraine. The donations have come from visitors to the Berlin Zoo over the past ten months.

As early as March, the zoo collected 80,000 euros from its visitors and used it to buy almost 20 tons of dry food and bandages for the zoo in the Ukrainian capital.

Afterwards, some zoo employees drove the donations to Poland themselves in a minibus, from where they were then taken to the Ukraine.

Fire blazes in a fireplace

The zoo in Kiev was able to use the money to buy fireplaces, among other things, to keep the animals warm in winter Photo: Kyiv Zoo

Thanks to the money that has now been collected, the more than 3000 animals will be kept warm throughout the winter. One of them: the elephant Horace. He was even born in the Berlin Zoo.

The zoo mainly bought generators, stoves and firewood from the generous donation. But also meat, vegetables and fruits as feed for the animals.

Thanks from Mayor Klitschko

“We want our animals to feel warm and full and not like there’s a war behind the zoo fences,” says zoo director Kyrylo Trantin in a thank you video.

Even Kiev’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko (51) personally thanked the Berlin Zoo with a letter: “Unfortunately, our zoological garden is also in a difficult situation. That is why your donation is invaluable to us!”

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko (51) personally thanked the Berlin Zoo for the generous donation in a letter Photo: VALENTYN OGIRENKO/REUTERS

The Berlin Zoo is currently closed until further notice. The reason: In November, an animal fell ill with bird flu.


Berlin Zoo Kiev Ukraine Ukraine War Vitali Klitschko Zoological Garden
