400,000 corona vaccines deployed, 1.7 million vaccines in stock | Inland

Since the start of the herfstvaccinatie campaign there are 400,000 corona vaccines in the Netherlands and registered and there are also 1.7 million vaccines available for local actors. This is reported by Vlaamsminister van Volksgezondheid Hilde Crevits (CD&V).

From the 400,000 toegediende vaccines zijn he 217,629 vaccines toegediend en registered door house, 117,330 in pharmacists, 49,067 in woonzorgcentra and now 19,000 in ziekenhuizen en op plaatsen zoals CAW’s, revalid atiecentra, need-based services and VAPH-zorgaanbieders.

In total there are 2.8 million corona vaccines for the 2023 herfstvaccination campaign and the personnel in the sector. This is a priority group. Vaccination is recommended for 2 million people.

For the vaccination campaign, the inenting hoofdzakelijk via the huisartsen, de pharmacies and de thuisverpleegleuten and never in vaccination center zoals de previous years.

“Momenteel heeft a vijfde van prioritaire doelgroep and covidvaccine geregen,” says Minister Crevits. “We put a lot of money into the pharmacy’s homes, and we also want to thank you for the inception of this campaign,” said the CD&V minister.

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