40 percent less skiongevallen in the tijdens krokusvacantie last year, and then the change in school calendar everything mee te maken | Inland

Europ Assistance has 40 percent less ski dossiers opened in the previous year. The delivery is made to the representative of the traditional ‘gypsum vlucht’, a annual repatriëringsvlucht with won. The hoofdreden van de daling is that much less Belgen tijdens de Vlaamse krokusvacantie went skiën. He was there for the holidays that went vacant. In the Franstalig onderwijs the krokusvakantie begins on February 26th.

The medical dossiers have been opened to Europ Assistance for the last year and the previous year (15 percent over 12 percent). The technical interventions on the way to the ski area are light (+ 3 percent in 2023). The ski bestemmingen with the largest medical ski dossiers in France (40 percent), Oostenrijk (33 percent), Italy (15 percent) and Zwitserland (12 percent).

It is also possible to open medical dossiers through European Assistance. It’s 122, 40 percent less than the previous year. A felle daling, maar helemaal in lijn van de verwachtingen omdat in the krokusvacantie from the previous year he had many sea skies. Franstalig Belgium had toen always also vacant. The vakantiereegeling in the onderwijs was last year in different colors of the flowers, the krokusvakantie had a lot of ton and gedeeltelijk seeds (in tegenstelling tot de paasvakantie).

A strong response from the cijfers, may also be available for the krokusvakantie as a result of pressure for European Assistance. The total number of telephone calls was 9,000, with a maximum of 1,500 on February 12th. Via the app you receive Europ Assistance 1,300 requests within.

He has two children who are 10 years old and who have a skiongeval. The annual value is 34 percent of the total.

The Gipsvlucht vandaag from Salzburg (Oostenrijk) to Brussels repatriates 33 people. There are 8 won by now. The rest of us are family members.

LEES OOK. Have you ever skied within the city? With the 3 oefeningen of top kinesist Lieven Maesschalck, he is fit on the piste op(+)
