3rd League: 1860 Munich brings Argirios Giannikis as their new coach

I’m curious to see whether what feels like the 20th coaching change at 1860 will finally bring consistency and continuity to the coaching position.

After finding “the last piece of the puzzle” after the Zwarts transfer, things are looking pretty bleak again.

– Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to mock 1860 or their fans, especially since most of them are actually really poor pigs. (apart from a few 1860 forums which are always good for smiles).

But somehow expectations and reality are always very far apart. Is it always just the coach or the team that underperforms?

I wonder whether relegation in Vermindung with a proper “rebuild” in League 4 would possibly hurt the club.

As an outsider, it’s always very exciting to see how 1860 announces promotion as their goal at the beginning of the season (and is sometimes also seen as a newcomer) and then languishes somewhere between 11 and 16.

I wish Giannikis good luck and a good hand (except maybe against Jahn) but I think that the problems lie deeper in the structures and Giannikis will just be the next “pawn victim”.

The fish is probably stinging away from the head ugly
