3D liposculpture: what the new slimming protocol is and how it works

LSpring is the ideal time to undergo liposculpture. This season, being overweight can make you feel unattractive but, beyond the aesthetic factor, there is also a question of health. A large circumference of the abdomen can be a risk factor for some diseases: Abdominal fat can produce pro-inflammatory substances that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, strokes) and more.

3D liposculpture: here’s how to get rid of excess fat

Even if you change your lifestyle with diet and physical activity, sometimes you still find yourself with a body with localized fat deposits.

These are accumulations of subcutaneous fat in characteristic areas of the body (that is, it was “designed” with that shape). On the other hand, the condition of overweight represented by fat uniformly distributed over the whole body is quite different.

Toned physique like Khloé Kardashian’s? The premise is 3D liposculpture (Instagram/@khloekardashian)

Localized fat does not disappear with the diet, on the contrary, the more you lose weight, the more evident it will be because the rest of the body becomes thinner, while these accumulations remain unchanged. These are the cases of gynoid silhouettes (large hips and thin chest with an “oil drop” profile), and of the android biotype (with adiposity from the waist up). Even those that have appeared for some time (in men the belly and “love handles”, in women the increase in fat on the abdomen, arms and knees) do not respond to diet and the gym.

Excess fat: the causes

The causes of the resistance of these accumulations can be decrease in hormones, change in metabolism, lack of physical activity, bad posture or the combination of all these causes.

But localized fat deposits can only be treated definitively with liposculpture because the adipocytes (fat cells) are removed and the remaining ones do not have the ability to multiply.

3D liposculpture: what it consists of

Today experts make use of a new three-dimensional liposculpture technique called Total Body Contour Reshaping (remodeling of the entire body profile): they use very thin cannulas that respect the tissues. The pads are sucked both deeply and superficially, thus making the most of the skin’s retraction capacity.

In which cases not to consider it

Overweight, which instead depends on an incorrect diet, lack of physical activity, pathologies (hypothyroidism, etc.), should not be treated with liposuction due to the large amount of fat that affects the entire body surface. The plastic surgeon must refuse to operate in these casesexplaining what the risks and the inevitable disappointments are, referring the patient to the specialist in the case, i.e. a nutritionist.

