39 and 40 degrees to start the week

All of Spain, except Asturias, Murcia and Cantabria, continue on Monday on alert for high temperatures of up to 41 degreesreports the Meteorology Agency (Aemet), which details that 8 communities -Andalusia, Aragón, both Castillas, Madrid, Canarias, Extremadura and La Rioja- are in orange warning.

Andalusia has activated the orange warning (significant risk) in Córdoba, Seville, Jaén and Huelva for values ​​that will rise to 41 degrees in the Sevillian countryside, Córdoba, Guadalquivir valley and in the Andévalo, Condado and Aracena regions; in Cádiz, Almería and Granada there is a yellow level due to maximums between 36-39 degrees.

In the Canary archipelago, the maximums have given a slight respite compared to yesterday and only the island of Gran Canaria continues with an orange alert for values ​​of up to 37 degrees, especially in the middle; in Fuerteventura and Tenerife there is a yellow warning for heat of 34 degreeswhile in La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro, Tenerife and Gran Canaria there is a warning for coastal phenomena.

Extremadura, one of the communities most affected by the suffocating heat, maintains the orange warning in the two provinces for maximum records that will range between 40-42 degrees at points in the Vega del Guadiana, Siberia in Extremadura, in the Tagus, Alagón, plateau cacereña, Barros, Serena, Villuercas and Montánchez.

The Community of Madrid continues on orange alert for maximums that will reach 39 degrees in the south, vegas and west., while in the metropolitan area and Henares there is a yellow warning for maximums of 38 degrees, punctually 39 degrees; in the mountains it will reach 36 degrees.

Aragón only has the orange warning in Zaragoza for values ​​of 39 degrees in the Ribera del Ebro and in Huesca and Teruel there is a yellow level for maximums between 35 and 37 degrees.

All the provinces of Castilla y León continue to be on alert, with a higher incidence in the provinces of Ávila, Salamanca and Zamora, where the orange warning persists for values ​​of 39 degrees in areas of the Zamora plateau, Salamanca and south of Ávila; in the rest, there is a yellow warning for values ​​between 34 and 38 degrees.

Castilla-La Mancha continues with an orange level in the province of Toledo, where up to 40 degrees will be reached in areas of the Sierra de San Vicente and in the Tajo valley; in the rest of the provinces, at the yellow level, between 35 and 39 degrees will be recorded.

In the northern half of the peninsula, La Rioja has activated the orange level in the Ribera del Ebro, due to maximums that will rise to 39 degrees.

Also Catalonia

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In Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Galicia, the Foral Community of Navarra, the Basque Country and the Valencian Community, the yellow alert persists due to maximums that will range between 34 and 38 degrees.

The Aemet warns that with the orange alert there is a risk of unusual weather phenomena and with a certain degree of danger for the usual activities, and with the yellow one there is no meteorological risk for the population in general, although there is for some specific activity.
