37:25! Foxes finish off Wetzlar

Fox star Fabian Wiede throws at goal (archive image)

Fox star Fabian Wiede throws at goal (archive image) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

The best Berlin throwers in the distant victory were Tim Freihöfer with eight goals and Fabian Wiede and Lasse Andersson with six goals each.

Füchse Berlin also won their second game in the Handball Bundesliga. After the opening win on Sunday against Göppingen, the ambitious Berliners also won 37:25 (18:11) at HSG Wetzlar on Wednesday evening.

This means that the foxes remain in the top group without losing points. The best Berlin throwers were Tim Freihöfer with eight and Fabian Wiede and Lasse Andersson with six goals each.

In the case of the foxes, manager Bob Hanning once again stood in for head coach Jaron Siewert, who was ill. In the early stages, the guests still struggled, had two aluminum hits and were too unfocused a few times. So they were quickly 1:3 behind. But the Berliners woke up afterwards.

The foxes were now more compact, especially on the defensive. Keeper Dejan Milosavljev shone with some saves. This is how the Berliners came up with quick and easy goals again and again. They punished every mistake made by Wetzlar and broke away with an 8-0 run in the middle of the first half.

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That was the decision. Because even in the second round, the Berliners had everything under control. Just under ten minutes before the end, the lead was double digits for the first time (31:21). The guests remained dominant until the end.


Fabian Wiede HSG Wetzlar Lasse Andersson Tim Freihöfer
