35:25! Foxes clean Melsungen and remain leaders

Foxes captain Paul Drux moves to goal in the game against Melsungen

Foxes captain Paul Drux moves to goal in the game against Melsungen Photo: Mathias Renner/City-Press GmbH

From BZ/dpa

The foxes also won their third Bundesliga game this year and remain the leaders in the standings. The best Berlin throwers were Milos Vujovic with ten and Mijajlo Marsenic with seven goals.

On Sunday, Füchse Berlin defeated MT Melsungen in 35:25 (17:13) in front of 8717 spectators in the Max-Schmeling-Halle.

An intense game developed right from the start and the Berliners immediately took the lead. The foxes acted with a lot of speed and tried to widen the game and let the ball run. So they always found good throwing positions, which they also used. In the middle of the first half the lead was already four goals (9:5).

Foxes star Mathias Gidsel is tackled hard by David Mandic (Melsungen).

Foxes star Mathias Gidsel is tackled hard by David Mandic (Melsungen). Photo: Mathias Renner/City-Press GmbH

But Melsungen didn’t give up and fought his way back a bit. But the guests made mistakes on the offensive, which usually promptly punished the Berliners.

When needed, the hosts picked up the tempo and maintained their four-goal lead until half-time.

The fox cover opposes a Melsunger attack

The fox cover opposes a Melsunger attack Photo: Mathias Renner/City-Press GmbH

Even after the change of sides, the foxes had everything under control. The guests had to cope with some time penalties, which the Berliners used to continue to pull away. In addition, Melsungen’s strength was slowly fading.

Up to eleven goals, the lead grew until a good five minutes before the end (33:22). After that, the Berliners made a lot of changes and spared regular staff.


Mijajlo Marsenic Milos Vujovic MT Melsungen Paul Drux
