3500 euro bonus to transform the car into electric

THEThe Government provides a bonus of 3500 euros for all those who want replace the engine of your car. All to favor the green turn in the automotive sector.

The challenges of the automotive sector

The automotive industry is one of the sectors in which the more we talk about the transition to electric. Just a few weeks ago, in late June, the Council of Environment Ministers of the European Union countries has reached an agreement on the package of measures that will allow the European Union to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. And to achieve the much desired climate neutrality in 2050.

Among the measures included in the package is the one it provides the stop to the sale of endothermic cars starting from 2035. The switch to electric cars, therefore, it is by no means a utopia. On the contrary. And it will be a gradual process.

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The electric car bonus to support the ecological transition

The Italian government has decided to support the ongoing ecological transition And the decarbonization process with a new bonus. A decree of the Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, Enrico Giovanninidrawn up in agreement with the Minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgettiin fact announced the arrival of the electrical retrofit.

What is it about? A contribution that will be available for those who have installed an electric motor in their vehicle, replacing the previous one with combustion.

By when it will be possible to apply for the electrical retrofit

This contribution it will therefore not support the purchase of new electric cars but it will instead be a bonus available for those who want to replace the engine of their car. To get this bonus applications must be submitted by 31 December 2022. And it will include completed operations as early as November 10, 2021.

The bonus is worth 60% of the expenses incurred for the transformation of the engine, up to the maximum threshold of 3500 eurosto which is added a contribution of 60% expenses related to stamp duty for registration in the Public Automobile Register (PRA), stamp duty and provincial registration tax IPT.

Which vehicles are affected by the bonus

The vehicles to which this bonus can be applied are cars and minivans for the transport of people, vehicles with more than eight seats and vans for the transport of goods (categories M1, M1G, M2, M2G, M3, M3G, N1 and N1G) which were originally registered with an internal combustion engine. It is not expected no incentiveinstead, for two-wheeled vehicles.

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The request can be made on a portal of the website of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility: the activation of this portal will be communicated on the website of the Ministry.

