338 reports of storm damage on Thursday, so you prevent a lot of misery

After the storm on Thursday, Interpolis received reports of damage: 338 units in total. And more thunderstorms are on the way. Interpolis also expects many calls on Friday. To prevent the worst damage, the insurer will once again list what you can do right now to prevent damage as much as possible.

Written by

Rick Claessen

Actually, we do know. But sometimes the bad weather overtakes us a bit, or we think that everything will be okay. Nevertheless, a lot of storm damage can be prevented by making a standard check round in case of bad forecasts. So garden and go.

Watch out for loose items
Much of the damage reported to interpolis is caused by loose items. “It can’t hurt to clean up the garden once in a while,” says an Interpolis spokesperson. Flower pots, umbrellas, trampolines; make sure nothing can blow away. Also think of garden furniture. Try to secure it too, or inside. That way everything stays neatly on the ground.

Watch out for trees!
If you are still busy in the garden, immediately remove the dead or loose branches from your trees. And to err on the side of caution: park your car under a sturdy roof, shed or garage. In any case, make sure that it is not near a tree.

Tree blown down in Best (photo: Omroep Brabant)
Tree blown down in Best (photo: Omroep Brabant)

Check the roof covering.
Also check whether roof tiles, ridge ridges and roof lead are loose or have shifted. During your climb, also take a close look at the solar panels, dishes, flagpole and antennas. Is everything tight? Just to be clear: never do this during a storm. Nobody is happy about a blown away Brabanter.

after the storm
Before things start to get haunted, make sure that your awning and fencing are folded in. And then the storm does indeed break loose: stay indoors! If, despite the check round, something still breaks, wait until peace has returned to repair. After the storm you can check if something is broken. Also keep an eye out for any leaks in the roof.

ALSO READ: Millions of euros in damage and a lot of suffering, that’s how bad weather ravaged us before
