330 million euros for Berlin’s restart in business and culture

Funding programs are intended to boost the economy and culture again after the corona lockdowns. But how good are the concepts really?

In the color symbolism, blue stands for strength, reliability and trust. Maybe that’s why Franziska Giffey (43, SPD) wore a blue pants suit and blue shoes on Monday when she announced the restart for business and culture.

Because after two years of pandemic and crisis, the capital should finally pick up again! In the Coat of Arms Hall of the Red City Hall, the Governing Mayor presented the “Restart Economy” and “Perspective Culture” programs. According to Giffey, the goal: “To send out the signal – strong economy, good work.”

The two programs run over two years and provide for expenditures of 330 million euros. They are aimed at sectors that were particularly hard hit by Corona – retail, event organisers, culture, the hotel industry, crafts and gastronomy. 30 projects designed to relieve companies and boost their business.

“These are measures that really help to do exactly what the industries really need,” promises Giffey. Economics Senator Stephan Schwarz (56, independent): “After two years of crisis, we are now shifting into forward gear.”

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However, not all 30 measures from the program are completely new – the food festival “eat!” already existed, as did the annual campaign “Experience your city” (Berliners can sleep in hotels at reasonable rates). “We have now bundled them and geared them to the restart,” said Schwarz to the BZ. “They have a new quality.”

The hotel and restaurant association Dehoga is impressed by the program and praises a better relationship between politics, business and society. “What’s new is that people are listening,” said association president Christian Andresen (56). Now is the time to look ahead again. “And that’s what this program needs.”

The programs:

Waiver of special usage fees for gastronomy, showmen, organizers

Berlin’s restaurateurs have been eagerly awaiting this news: the Senate is suspending the collection of fees for the special use of street land in 2022! This measure not only benefits bars and restaurants – organizers and showmen should also benefit from it. The districts are reimbursed for the loss of income.

Marketing campaign for potential Berlin tourists

In April, Berlin will start online and outdoor advertising in Europe as well as a cooperation with Deutsche Bahn to attract more tourists again (Photo: picture alliance/dpa)
In April, Berlin will start online and outdoor advertising in Europe as well as a cooperation with Deutsche Bahn to attract more tourists again (Photo: picture alliance/dpa)

The attractiveness of the Berlin brand has not suffered from the pandemic – but the Senate does not want to rely on the good image alone. “In order to revive Berlin tourism and to bring visitors to the city at short notice, a high level of visibility for Berlin should be generated,” says the “Restart Economy” program. Online and outdoor advertising as well as a cooperation with Deutsche Bahn will start in Europe in April. Goal: “Establish Berlin as a place of longing for city breaks”. 2.2 million euros are to be invested.

Airline Cooperations

In an international comparison, the range of airlines and destinations from BER is still very puny. In order for that to change (and for more tourists and congress visitors to come), Visitberlin wants to “increase Berlin’s visibility as a travel destination”. Means: Airlines are courted to head for BER. A lot of money is often paid for this (“marketing grant”). But things don’t always go as planned: the US airline United wanted to start the route from Berlin to Washington at the end of May. That has now been postponed indefinitely, ostensibly for “geopolitical reasons.”

Bring new trade fairs to the Spree

The Senate wants to attract new trade fairs to the capital (Photo: picture alliance / picture agency online)
The Senate wants to attract new trade fairs to the capital (Photo: picture alliance / picture agency online)

At the beginning of the year, the Senate was able to announce that the Premium fashion fair was returning to the capital. The contracts for another trade fair have just been signed and are to be announced shortly. Otherwise, the Senate is urging the trade fair company to think more digitally and to establish new event formats in Berlin. The entire city earns money from trade fairs, because the exhibitors and visitors generate sales in the hotel.

Acquisition of new events/conventions

Tourists alone do not ensure that the hotels are full – this is guaranteed above all by large congresses with hundreds or even thousands of participants from all over the world. Taxi drivers and fine dining also benefit
such events. With a congress fund one wants to “support and encourage” organizers to move their conferences to the capital. However, other cities also have the same goal – which is why Berlin pays the organizers a whopping 60 euros per participant! The Senate wants to make nine million euros available for the congress fund. Event organizers “who meet certain sustainability criteria” can expect higher funding.

Financial injections for the clubs

The Berlin clubs were closed for almost two years, now you can dance again (Photo: Michael Hübner)
The Berlin clubs were closed for almost two years, now you can dance again (Photo: Michael Hübner)

In the Berlin clubs you can finally dance again, but the organizers are far from doing well. Not a single club had to close because of Corona, but two years without income were tough despite liquidity support. The Senate wants to help with start-up financing for programs and investments that have not been made.

support music industry

There were hardly any concerts for a good two years.  Now superstars like Lady Gaga are to appear again in Berlin (Photo: dpa)
There were hardly any concerts for a good two years. Now superstars like Lady Gaga are to appear again in Berlin (Photo: dpa)

The music industry and event industry have also suffered from the pandemic. For a good two years there were hardly any concerts. What megastars can cope with financially, but not record companies (who need concerts for marketing) and all kinds of service providers. Therefore, the industry event “Most Wanted: Music” (November 8-10 in the Kulturbrauerei) is to be expanded. The “Music Ambassadors” program is also to be strengthened – it promotes international networking in the music industry.

Investment bonus for small businesses

Medium-sized companies and freelancers should be supported (Photo: Adobe.stock)
Medium-sized companies and freelancers should be supported (Photo: Adobe.stock)

An investment bonus is intended to support the economy of small and medium-sized companies and freelancers. Good for everyone who has postponed operational investments due to the pandemic. And this is where the Senate digs deep into its pockets: the subsidies are up to 35 percent! On April 6th there will be a (digital) information event about the bonus from the IHK. Applications start one day later on the website of Investitionsbank Berlin. The program is primarily aimed at craftsmen, restaurateurs and retailers.

Shopping Weeks

The Senate wants to attract more strolling tourists to Berlin with shopping weeks and seasonal campaigns (Photo: Getty Images)
The Senate wants to attract more strolling tourists to Berlin with shopping weeks and seasonal campaigns (Photo: Getty Images)

Most tourists not only leave Berlin with a few souvenirs in their luggage, but also with tons of shopping bags. For many, shopping is an essential part of a city trip (we Berliners are no different on vacation). This secures tens of thousands of retail jobs in the capital. Business is slowly picking up speed again, but that’s not enough. Many retailers are in dire need of more tourists who are willing to spend. With shopping weeks and seasonal campaigns, the Senate wants to attract more strolling tourists to Berlin.

Targeted advertising for gourmets

Berlin wants to attract food tourists (Photo: Marion Hunger)
Berlin wants to attract food tourists (Photo: Marion Hunger)

“Foodies” are an increasingly important target group in tourism marketing. So people for whom good food is almost more important than sights or nightlife. That is why the Senate wants the gourmet event “eat! support berlin” more, so promote the “culinary capital”. The realignment of the festival should also serve to secure skilled workers: After two years of the pandemic, many restaurants are struggling with a shortage of workers because previous employees have looked for new jobs outside of the catering trade.

Berlin Book Festival

A “Berlin Book Festival” with stands and readings is intended to attract international attention (Photo: Olaf Selchow)

The Berlin publishers complain that they lack an event where they can introduce themselves to the German and international public. A “Berlin Book Festival” with stands and readings is intended to change that. However: Such a book festival is not a new idea; it already existed in the capital (e.g. in 2008).
