3:1! Hard-fought victory for the BR Volleys in Lüneburg

Satoshi Tsuiki and the BR Volleys cheer in the game against Herrsching

The volleys around Satoshi Tsuiki could also celebrate in Lüneburg at the end (archive photo) Photo: City Press

From BZ/dpa

The Berlin Volleys remain undefeated this season in the Volleyball Bundesliga.

At SVG Lüneburg, the German champions won 3:1 (27:25, 25:27, 25:19, 31:29) after a hard fight on Wednesday evening. After four matchdays, the Berliners are claiming the lead in the table.

The volleys had trouble finding their way into the game. They took the lead for the first time through a block by ex-Lüneburg player Anton Brehme to 12:11. After a successful attack by Ruben Schott at 23:20, the guests came very close to winning the set. But the opponent managed to tie the score at 23:23 after a controversial decision by the overall weak Essen referee Markus Zyber. In the extension of the sentence, the Berliners kept a cool head.

In the second period, the BR Volleys caught up a three-point deficit (15:18). In the end, however, they missed two set points, while the Lüneburgers were immediately successful with their first set point to 27:25. From a good assumption, the capitals controlled the third set. As a setter, the Spaniard Angel Trinidad served up numerous balls to the volley attackers.

At the end of the highly dramatic fourth round, the Berliners made up for a deficit of 21:24 against the hard-fought Lüneburg team thanks to precise serves from substitute ex-Lüneburg player Antti Ronkainen and also fended off four set balls from the opponent.

With the fifth match ball, the Berliners then happily decided the game for themselves.


Ruben Schott SVG Lüneburg
