30:23 despite Corona chaos! German handball players also beat Poland

Despite a few Corona failures, Germany’s handball players also won the group game against Poland in Bratislava – and they did it confidently!

Nine Corona cases, only one goalkeeper left – and despite this hull team, the hopes of the European Championship live on more than ever: Germany’s extremely decimated handball players managed a small sensation in the final preliminary round of the European Championship. Although the DHB selection had just 14 players available, they beat Poland 30:23 (15:12) on Tuesday evening in Bratislava and are now entering the main round with an ideal score.

The best thrower of national coach Alfred Gislason’s team in front of 1076 spectators was EM newcomer Christoph Steinert with nine goals. And although the entry into the next phase of the tournament was already certain before the game, the success was extremely important: Because the German team takes the two points from this game into the main round. The first opponent there is defending champions Spain on Thursday.

Sebastian Firnhaber with Zug to the goal in the European Championship group game Germany against Poland (Photo: VLADIMIR SIMICEK/AFP)
Sebastian Firnhaber with Zug to the goal in the European Championship group game Germany against Poland (Photo: VLADIMIR SIMICEK/AFP)

Regardless of the result, what happened in Bratislava will probably remain unique in the history of German handball: Nine national players dropped out after positive corona tests, so that the DHB selection had to play with 14 instead of the 16 allowed players. National coach Gislason was even lucky that Bitter, Rune Dahmke, Fabian Wiede, Paul Drux and Sebastian Firnhaber, who were only nominated on Monday evening, arrived in Slovakia on Tuesday morning and then tested negative for Corona. Otherwise, the DHB squad would have been significantly more decimated.

Bitter suddenly the only goalkeeper

And because left winger Marcel Schiller and goalkeeper Till Klimpke also tested positive immediately before kick-off, the 39-year-old Bitter was the only available keeper in the German team. However, the 2007 world champion did not need a long period of adjustment. Already in the first round the veteran parried some throwing attempts by the Poles. And the rest of the team seemed to say to themselves in view of the considerable personnel problems: Now more than ever! Newcomers to the European Championship, such as second division professional Julian Köster or 32-year-old Steinert, were in top form at times. There was no other way. Because otherwise there was hardly anyone there.

“Unforgiving Emotions. It was just amazing what the boys showed,” said DHB sports director Axel Kromer at halftime. “But we have to assume that we won’t play consistently for 60 minutes.” In addition to Bitter, Drux, Wiede, Dahmke and Firnhaber are also likely to have had little sleep the night before, but the DHB selection fought back with all their might Corona outbreak and the Poles, who were so sovereign in the tournament before. Because in addition to Klimpke, the second goalkeeper Andreas Wolff was also out due to Corona, Bitter had to play through.

Germany's Philipp Weber starts to throw against Poland in the group game of the European Handball Championship (Photo: RADOVAN STOKLASA/REUTERS)
Germany’s Philipp Weber starts to throw against Poland in the group game of the European Handball Championship (Photo: RADOVAN STOKLASA/REUTERS)

And when the people in front ran out of breath, the oldie from HSV Hamburg was there. When the 21-year-old Köster carelessly lost the ball in his own half in the 39th minute, Bitter shone with an outstanding save against the Pole who appeared free in front of him. Bitter had hardly trained handball in the past few days. The entire German team was also unable to prepare for the game with final training because they had to wait for the results of their corona tests. “There’s never been anything like it,” said Gislason on ZDF.

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It has never happened before that a national coach does not yet know which squad will be available to him in two days for the first main round match of the European Championship. In order to have at least 16 players again, the DHB nominated goalkeeper Daniel Rebmann from Frisch Auf Göppingen and Patrick Zieker from TVB Stuttgart on Tuesday. Both are due to join the team on Wednesday morning.

It remains to be seen whether there will be further corona cases after that. However, the DHB selection has not yet suffered any sporting damage.



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