30 dead! Rocket attack on refugee station

Terrible attack on civilians! Dozens of people were killed and injured in a rocket attack on the train station in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, officials said.

There are 30 dead and 100 injured, said railway boss Olexander Kamischyn. Many people are said to have been waiting there to be evacuated.

People stand at Kramatorsk train station on Wednesday to flee Ukraine (Photo: picture alliance / AA)
People stand at Kramatorsk train station on Wednesday to flee Ukraine (Photo: picture alliance / AA)

► The train station, from which thousands of people have been fleeing a feared Russian attack on eastern Ukraine for days, had previously been hit by two rockets, according to the railway company.

Before the attack, the AFP reporter had seen hundreds of people waiting at the station for a westbound train in the morning.

Russia has announced that its future military focus will be on the “liberation” of the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. The regional authorities had therefore asked the residents of the region to flee west.
