3 benefits of introducing playful tools in organizations

Learning is a process of appropriation of reality to transform and transform. During this process we are growing and building who we are. The first learning we had as children, we did playing. The game allows us to explore the world. To play is to discover, to play is to learn, to investigate, to try, to make the necessary changes to create new alternatives. We learn by playing, we open up to the world through play. That is why we say active learning, since through playful activity, we are actors of our own destiny. The game leads us to action, to movement, to be protagonists. There is no learning if we do not get involved with all our being in reaching our goals and modifying the reality that surrounds us. Each time this happens, we will discover our strengths and weaknesses and thus we will have a great opportunity to get to know each other, grow and change. Incorporating games into organizations allows people to develop their potential as it removes their fear of making mistakes and encourages them to keep trying and not let up until they get the desired results.

The term competence has two meanings: one is the opposite of collaboration and the other refers to being competent, to be suitable, to carry out an activity correctly, adequately, to have responsibility, to be professionals in that subject. Through games we can emphasize and enhance the abilities of each person and discover new abilities. The game gives rise to surprise, to someone being able to stand out in a domain that no one would have imagined. The game allows to build a bridge between the learning that is obtained by playing and daily life. Just as we are in the game, we are in life. The game reduces our defense mechanisms and we show ourselves as we are. We can train ourselves in the aspects that we need to strengthen. In the game, it is very easy and cheap to make a mistake and start another round, to recover a life. That cycle of making mistakes and trying again is what makes us competent. It is the experience that failure gives us, the one that makes us better, it is learning from mistakes and getting up again to play another game.

The development of the groups is a dynamic that is structured based on a task. It is work that allows weaving the bonding plot between individuals. Through communication and the process of assuming and assigning roles, groups grow, learn and advance. Although an attempt has been made to oppose play to work, the opposite of play is not work, but boredom, routine, lack of curiosity and creativity. Playing is something else: playing is talking, negotiating, playing is enjoying, playing is learning, playing is growing and living. Just as the word “play” is used in English: playing is also going up on stage, being an actor, playing a role or playing a musical instrument. Playing great discoveries and advances were made. The game is similar to the researcher’s task, formulating hypotheses, making theories and going out to verify them. Do experiments playing, play to experiment.


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