2nd Bundesliga: Schalke 04 celebrates Terodde record and championship trophy at 1st FC Nuremberg – 2nd Bundesliga – football

Actually, Nuremberg had worked out the first promising chances with a rather leisurely summer kick. Slime narrowly missed (3′), Johannes Geis’ free-kick was defused by a parade (14′) by Ralf Fährmann, who was allowed to guard the S04 goal again at the end of the season instead of Martin Fraisl.

Brave Nuremberg – Schalke’s ferryman with a strong performance

In the second half, too, the game did not pick up the pace – to put it mildly. Nuremberg had long had the plus in standard situations, but could not convert them into countable ones. Little went out of the game. Spectacular scenes, however, were in short supply.

It took a while before Schalke goalkeeper Fährmann had to intervene again against Nürnberg, who were now more active. Tom Krauss checked the 33-year-old from the edge of the box (53′). Things got dicey when Enrico Valentini’s deflected shot on goal landed on the crossbar (65′).

The FCN put pressure on, worked out the clear advantage of chances. Fährmann scraped the ball off the line against Florian Hübner (71′). With his performance, Fährmann was also largely responsible for Schalke being allowed to lift the championship trophy.

Terodde removes last doubts with a record goal

Faehrmann was still beaten by Schleimer in the equalizer in Nuremberg, but Terodde later cleared up the last doubts about the championship celebration after submitting Blendi Idrizi.
