2G regulation in retail: Courts reject urgent applications in Bremen and Saxony

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In Saxony and Bremen, too, the responsible higher administrative courts have decided that the 2G rule will remain in place in retail.

In Bremen, the court rejected an urgent application from a retailer on Tuesday. The Saxon Higher Administrative Court rejected the suspension by decision of Thursday.

In Saxony, the applicant was a textile retailer with several branches in the state. The urgent application referred in particular to the control of vaccination and identification documents from customers. The textile merchant in Bremen, who operates stores nationwide, also referred to the lack of a proper authorization basis for the inspection in the application.

The courts in Bremen and Saxony base their decision on the authorization from the Infection Protection Act. The Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court decided on an urgent application against the 2G regulation in the Brandenburg retail sector.

In Berlin, the department store chain Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof failed with an urgent application to the administrative court before Christmas and the higher administrative court in Münster also ruled in an urgent decision that the regulation in retail in North Rhine-Westphalia is legal. The department store chain Woolworth had sued. In Bavaria, however, the administrative court ruled that clothing stores belong to the daily needs and are therefore not subject to the regulation. The administrative court in Regensburg also came to this decision.

The federal and state governments will advise on further corona rules throughout Germany on Friday. For example, FFP2 masks could become mandatory in retail and local public transport.

This jurisprudence has existed so far for 2G in Germany
  • Brandenburg: OVG rejects urgent application against 2G regulation in retail
  • Court ruling: 2G rule does not apply to clothing stores in Bavaria
  • Administrative court Regensburg: Textile business covers daily needs – no 2G obligation
  • Galeria fails in Berlin with a lawsuit against the 2G rule
  • After a lawsuit from Woolworth: Higher Administrative Court confirms 2G rule in NRW retail
  • Retail chain fails in court with application against Hamburg’s 2G rule
  • Lower Saxony: Higher Administrative Court overturns the 2G rule in retail


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