#29 An unusual debate over an unusual deal

It is a constitutionally unusual situation. A minister who is accountable to the House of Representatives for matters from his previous portfolio. Until recently, Hugo de Jonge had refused to answer all questions about his time as corona minister and referred to his successor. This also applies to questions about the mouth cap deal with Sywert van Lienden. Until last week. On Thursday, after revelations by de Volkskrant, he was still in the House of Representatives to explain and defend his role in the conclusion of that deal.

In this Hague Affairs we discuss the political side of the face mask deal with political reporter Philip de Witt Wijnen and economics editor Stefan Vermeulen. You hear about the political players involved in the deal. About Hugo de Jonge’s apps and private email. And about last Thursday’s debate. What exactly was this debate about? What was at stake? And what political consequences could this case have?

@LamyaeA // @PhilipDeWW // @stefanverm

Read the article by Petra de Koning and Philip about last Thursday’s debate here


And here’s Stefan’s article in which he describes which crucial questions about the mouth cap deal are still waiting for an answer after the debate

https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/04/07/cruciale-vragen-over-mondkapjes-onbe Antwoord-a4109547

Listen here to the episodes of NRC Today about the mouth cap deal (with Stefan) and about last Thursday’s debate (with Tom-Jan Meeus)



And here’s the episode of The Hague Affairs in which Guus Valk and Lamyae portray minister Hugo de Jonge


In this episode you hear that a mouth mask plan by Sywert van Lienden ended up in the tower via Pieter Omtzigt on the desk of Prime Minister Mark Rutte. According to Rutte, the latter is not correct. After the conversation that Omtzigt had with Rutte, the MP texted a council advisor from the Ministry of General Affairs. He then passed this on to the then minister Martijn van Rijn (PvdA).
Lamyae Aharouay
Stefan Vermeulen & Philip de Witt Wines
Editorial & production:
Ignace Schoot
Pieter Bakker
