28M ELECTIONS | The Parliament of the Balearic Islands will be constituted on June 20 and the PP decides to launch the legislature outside of Vox

Palma de Mallorca

06/16/2023 at 12:54 PM


The popular take the model of Murcia, where they left the ultra-right out of the table of the chamber, and assumed the presidency

Marga Prohens will have a maximum of 15 days to appear for the investiture as president of the Government

The People’s Partybefore the requirement of vox of a Government of Balearics in coalition, have decided to launch the legislature on the sidelines of the formation led by Jorge Campos. The President of Parliament, Vicenç Thomàs, has called for the next Tuesday day 20 the constitutive session Parliament with the approval of the popular. It must be remembered that there was a margin until June 27 to convene the plenary session. He PP does not need Vox to take over the presidency of the chamber and three seats at the table, which he would share with the next most voted list, the PSOE.

Is the same as has happened in Murcia, where the PP, as in the Balearic Islands, only needs one abstention to get the presidency of the government, but those of Vox also demanded to enter the government. Given the lack of agreement, they decided to implement the calendar to promote the new legislature. Last Wednesday, the Balearic PP asked the Parlamet not to convene the plenary session yet. It was just before meeting with Vox in a meeting where it was not reached no deal and it only served to visualize two completely remote positions for a possible investiture pact.

Starting on Tuesday the 20th, Marga Prohens has a margin of 15 days to appear at the investiture as president of the Government. From this moment she will have 60 days left to become president, in which case she would need four favorable votes in the first vote to be elected or four abstentions to be minority president in a second vote. If after 60 days it is not possible to inaugurate a president of the Government, the Parliament would be automatically dissolved and new elections would be called.

In the constitution of the Autonomous Chamber, 33 deputies correspond to Majorca13 to Minorca12 to Eivissa and 1 to Formentera. In the Parliament that emerged from the regional elections on May 28, of the 59 seats in the chamber, 25 will be occupied by the Popular Party, 18 by the Socialist Party of the Balearic Islands (PSIB_PSOE), 8 by Vox, 4 by Més by Mallorca , 2 per month for Menorca, 1 for Unidas Podemos and 1 for the Sa Unió de Formentera coalition.

36 new deputies and 23 who repeat

It should be noted that of the 59 deputies who will take office next Tuesday, more than half (36) will do so for the first time. Of the 23 deputies who repeat, 13 will begin their second legislature, 5 their third, 1 their fourth, 1 their fifth, 1 their sixth. The two oldest elected deputies or deputies are Francina Armengol and Misericordia Sugrañes that will begin their seventh legislature.
