28 years ago Frederik was told in ‘Jambers’ over the room of the ballet dancers, now he saw the world | tv

Karen Damen over new seizoen ‘Liefde voor muziek’: “A cover van K3 zou me nog steeds iets doen”

How important is it to the artist you want to describe a ‘liefde for music’? Newly cast because it is, trekking Desna en Senne met die vraag naar ex-deelnemers Karen Damen and Piet Goddaer, alias Ozark Henry. In the shadows, there is nothing. “Vraag dat maar eens aan Margriet Hermans en Niels Destadsbader”, aldus Piet. Margriet scoorde inderdaad de Zomerhit met ‘Lekker blijven hangen’ and planned for the toughest comeback in years. En ‘Verover mij’, a cover of K’s Choice, is one of the biggest hits of Niels Destadsbader. Karen Damen should have an extra amount of attention for the new season, the artists want to do the same number of hair as the K3 period. “Dat gaat mij wel iets doen”, ze says in a new showbit.

September 27th
