26 bodies found under rubble apartment blocks in Borodjanka: “Situation much more terrible than in Butja” | Abroad

Ukrainian Attorney General Iryna Venediktova had previously announced that aid workers had found 26 bodies under the rubble of two bombed buildings. More than 13,000 people lived in Borodjanka before the start of the Russian invasion.

At the same time, Venediktova stressed that it is difficult to predict how many bodies will eventually be found. “The city is the most destroyed in the Kiev region,” said the prosecutor. “Only the civilian population was targeted: there is no military base at all.” According to the prosecutor, the Russians used cluster bombs and heavy rocket launchers “that cause death and destruction”. There is evidence of “war crimes committed by the Russian troops” on every corner, Venediktova said.

After the recent withdrawal of the Russian army from the Kiev region, the Ukrainian armed forces regained control.

After the discovery last weekend of dozens of civilian bodies on the streets of Butya, a storm of protest erupted from Western countries, accusing Moscow of war crimes.
