25 keyboard shortcuts you should know

If you want to work faster on the computer, you can save a lot of time with so-called shortcuts. Hidden or complicated commands can be executed in a matter of seconds. TECHBOOK presents the most important key combinations for Windows.

Anyone who has ever watched professionals work on the PC will be amazed at the speed with which they control programs, windows and processes. In most cases, however, there is not an exceptionally good mouse behind it, but numerous key combinations. These are simply faster than any cursor on the display.

TECHBOOK has listed the most important key combinations for Windows that you can use to speed up your everyday computer work. However, if you are working with an Apple laptop, you will find a list of selected shortcuts for Macs here: The most important key combinations for Apple users.

The most important keyboard shortcuts in the browser

All keyboard shortcuts work equally well in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. They make everyday work easier by combining multiple mouse clicks into one shortcut.

  • CTRL + T: open new tab
  • CTRL + D: Bookmark the page
  • CTRL + W: close tab
  • CTRL + R or F5: Reload webpage
  • CTRL + L: jump to the address bar with the cursor
  • CTRL + + (Plus): Zoom in
  • CTRL + – (minus): Zoom out
  • CTRL + 0 (zero): reset zoom
  • F11: Activate full screen mode

Keyboard shortcuts for editing documents in Windows Microsoft

For example, these shortcuts work in Microsoft Word. But the key combinations can also be used on PDF documents and many other functions.

  • CTRL + Z: undo action
  • CTRL + P: Print
  • CTRL + S: save document
  • CTRL + A: select all
  • CTRL + F: search

Common Windows keyboard shortcuts

  • CTRL + C: Copy selected content
  • CTRL + X: Cut selected content
  • Windows + Tab: jump between the windows
  • Windows + L: locks the screen
  • CTRL + Alt + Del: Opens an emergency menu (especially useful when the PC hangs)
  • Windows + D: show desktop
  • Windows + down arrow: Minimize window
  • Alt + F4: closes the program
  • CTRL + V: Paste selected content (this must first be selected with e.g. Ctrl + C)
  • Windows + E: Open Explorer or file manager
  • Windows + Shift + S: Screenshot

This list contains only a selection from our editorial staff. The number of key combinations is almost infinite. Microsoft has on one Support page lists numerous combinations. Depending on how you use your laptop in everyday life, you need different shortcuts.

More tricks to make Windows even more convenient

It is often not the hardware at all, but the Windows operating system itself that slows down the computer. If your computer lags again, you should definitely target the startup programs. These often run unnecessarily in the background and thus consume resources. You can also adjust the look according to your preferences, for example by removing the tile look or using the secret start menu. If you are planning a new purchase anyway, TECHBOOK gives tips for the right Windows move to a new device.
