24-hour fight against fire in production hall

The fire brigade fought the flames in the production hall for hours

The fire brigade also fought the flames in the production hall on Sunday Photo: Spreepicture

By Ole Kroning

From big fire to evergreen! Two days after the fire broke out in the warehouse of a parquet manufacturer on Tabbertstraße, the extinguishing work is still going on.

“The work will definitely keep us busy all night,” said fire spokesman Rolf Erbe on Sunday of the BZ. The collapsed roof of the 2000 square meter hall would cause major problems, extinguishing water could not penetrate sufficiently into the fire spots below.

In the afternoon, a demolition company commissioned by the fire brigade began to remove parts of the roof and facade. In addition, around 40 emergency workers piled 800 sandbags by hand around the hall and flooded them with extinguishing foam. “I hope that brings us further now,” said the spokesman.

On Saturday morning at around 2 a.m., the fire brigade was first alerted by a fire alarm system and shortly afterwards by numerous residents about the fire in a production hall for parquet and laminate floors in Oberschöneweide.

The helpers used three suction lines to fetch water from the Spree to extinguish the fire. Much of the hall had collapsed.

24 hours after the first alarm, the firefighters were still putting out embers in the 2,000 square meter hall.

The investigation into the cause of the fire can only begin after the extinguishing work has been completed. According to initial findings, millions of euros in damage has been caused.


Berlin fire brigade Berlin police major fire
