23J ELECTIONS | Nadia Calviño in Palma: “Trumpism of questioning the data must be flatly rejected”


On at 20:59


It claims that Pedro Sánchez “does not respond to spurious interests and has carried out honest and clean management” during the last legislature

The First Vice President and Minister for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, charged this afternoon in Palma against the Popular Party and, above all, against Alberto Núñez Feijóo for “questioning” the data from official organizations, both Spanish and international: “Trumpism must be rejected outright”. The minister made these statements after the TVE journalist Silvia Intxaurrondo will dismantle the hoaxes of the ‘popular’ candidate live in a tense interview on RTVE.

In this regard, he has ensured that the Prime Minister and PSOE candidate, Pedro Sanchez, represents “the vast majority of the population” and, despite criticism from the right, “It does not respond to spurious interests and has carried out honest and clean management.” For this reason, he has claimed that the left “manages the public better than the right” and has raised the elections next Sunday as a dichotomy between antagonistic models: “You have to choose between a modern spain that leads the debates in Europe or return to that Spain retrograde and isolated from Europe He doesn’t know how to take advantage of opportunities.

The Minister of Economy has wanted praise the work of Sánchez in the European Union with the approval of European funds: “They bear his name because he fought in Brussels, explained his vision and convinced everyone of something that had never been done”. For this reason, he has valued his government management “despite the pandemic, the crisis or the volcano” with a focus on the labor market: “We have raised the Minimum Interprofessional Salary 50 percent, the pensions 25% and we have lowered the temporary rate from 25 to 14%”. All this with a direct defense of the labour reformwhich has had a direct impact on the islands: “Now there is greater stability for companies and workers, as well as a better outlook for the future.”
