234,000 people visit the CMT travel trade fair

STUTTGART (dpa-AFX) – The CMT holiday trade fair has suffered a setback in visitor numbers this year. Around 234,000 people were welcomed to the site, said the managing director of the Stuttgart State Fair, Roland Bleinroth, on Sunday evening. “The weather conditions and the railway line closure did not play into our hands,” he is quoted as saying in a statement. In 2023, around 265,000 visitors came to the trade fair.

The CMT (Caravaning – Motor – Tourism) has existed since 1968 and is, according to the company, the world’s largest public trade fair for tourism and leisure. In 2020 it set a record with around 300,000 visitors. Due to the pandemic, it took place digitally in 2021 and was canceled in 2022.

This year around 1,600 exhibitors were present in ten halls on the site. In addition to numerous international destinations, the focus was on the partner country Philippines. In addition, 1200 motorhomes and a number of new products were presented. The next CMT will take place from January 18th to 26th, 2025./jwe/DP/he
