21 tips to have a balanced life

Despite the fact that nothing can guarantee a centenarian life, the scientific advances of the last 200 years have allowed the populations of the entire planet to increase their life expectancy. And much of that achievement was accomplished by changing various habits. That’s why we share 21 important tips to improve your lifestyle. And grow in the best way.

1. Variety or monotony, always with pleasure: Depending on the individual choice, it helps to better control temptations.

2. Scheduled menu: Plan meals.

3. Avoid / plan the difficult to control: Parties, birthdays or outings, be attentive and prepare a strategy beforehand.

4. Seek satisfaction or fulfillment: Eat thinking until you feel satisfied and not seek to be full.

5. Six meals (minimum): Separate intakes by 1 ½ hours. (min.) and 3 hs. (max).

6. Flavor: Strong flavors give satiety, cinnamon and vanilla in infusions, ginger tea.

7. Decide the consistency: The crunch stimulates the appetite. Avoid consistencies that have that effect.

8. Dry or liquid food: Some feel more full if they avoid eating with liquids. Others, the opposite.

9. Small bites and a lot of chewing: It gives the brain time to send a satiety signal.

10. Gaseous liquids: They give satiety because of the gas they contain.

11. Extreme temperatures: Very cold or hot increases satiety.

12. Less alcohol: Disinhibits, does not help control hunger.

13. Low Fat: Increases appetite. Whenever possible remove or replace it.

14. Lots of vegetables: They increase the volume without adding calories.

15. Proteins, more satiety: Lean cheese, egg, yogurt.

16. Candy: 15′ and 30′ before main meals.

17. Latte: It gives more satiety than coffee alone.

18. Active life / distraction: It helps not to think about eating and to eat less.

19. Rest: Tiredness makes one overeat.

20. Weigh yourself frequently: Once a day or a week, on the same scale, at the same time, with the same clothes.

21. Meal Log and Apetitometer: Write down what you eat, times and appetite.

by RN

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