21 reptielen blocked in socks ontdekt door Franse Douane | Buitenland

The fringes are located in the Parijs-Oost station and are very attractive in Germany. The dieren, which were also dangerous, were hidden in the socks, so that they could be heard.

In the first instant, de Douane noticed two beschermde zandhagedissen op in de bagage van de man. In other pieces of baggage there were on the sea Fiji iguanas and hoornde hagedissen tegen. De Douaniers fromden also have a non-existent cash money.

The reptiles are brought to a dierencentrum for the next time. The man himself will be in the park in Paris and will receive a specific overheating service because of the overtrading of the trade. What the man precies with the reptiles of plan was, report the fringe douane niet.

KIJK OOK. Luchthaveninspecteurs vinden slang en hagedis in brooddoos

KIJK OOK. Hagedis rent voor z’n leven om te ontsnappen aan en tiger
