2024 season: A weak start | News

Argentina is experiencing one of the most turbulent summers in its recent history. Change of government, measures taken by the Executive Branch and rejected by the Judiciary, symptoms of rising inflation and, of course, a summer season that does not escape all of that.

Jesús Osorno, President of the Gastronomic Hotel Association of Mar del Plataexplains the new season format to this magazine: “It currently starts in the second week of January and ends on February 15, a date that this year coincides with the carnivals, so all the sector’s expectations are concentrated in that almost month and a half of real productivity. December was a very bad month in terms of tourism due to the weather and the political uncertainty that was experienced, and in February many kids start classes, so they only have 15 days.”

Beyond all expectations and illusions, the concrete shows that December It was a difficult month for the entire Atlantic Coast and the occupation in some locations such as Mar del Plata, Villa Gesell and Pinamar did not exceed 45 percent. And the first days of January did not reverse that worrying trend.

Consulted by NEWS, Veronica Berasuetaa real estate agent from Mar del Plata, states: “At this moment Mar del Plata is at 70 percent occupancy, 10 percent less than last year on this same date.. We believe that the peak will be the second half of January where it would reach 80. It should be noted that historically the city began the season with an increase of 30 percent compared to the prices of the previous year, but this year we started with increases that range from 150 to 200 percent. “Clearly these are values ​​that discourage everyone.”

Expectations. To date, occupancy rates provide data that divides opinions. Statistics indicate that the figures are well below historical records, however the same protagonists in the sector, that is, hoteliers, restaurants, spas and real estate agents, affirm that the data they handle also exceeds expectations that were very low. Pinamar also started January with a 70 percent occupancy. Cariló, a self-sustaining universe that is similar to Punta del Este in terms of its elite audience, is 84 percent active, while Valeria del Mar drops to 74 percentand Villa Gesell next to Necochea falls up to 60 percent.

Another of those consulted by NOTICIAS is Nelson Díaz Aguirre, President of the Chamber of Spas of the Coast, who adds: “Based on the situation that the country is experiencing, we are satisfied with what has been happening since January 1 throughout the country. Coast Party. Obviously occupancy rates cannot be compared with previous years. Now our goal is to achieve 80 percent.”
Regarding the increase in prices, Osorno comments: “Hotels never keep up with inflation because otherwise they would be unaffordable, they end up adjusting to demand. A room that was not sold until 10 p.m. is now put on sale because if not it is wasted money. This is the typical season where profitability is resigned for the sake of occupancy. Before the cameras regulated the prices, now each one sets the one that fits their objective.” The season started on the downside. The question is whether it will improve.

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