2024 high school leaving exam: what changes

AND always a “hot January” for the world of school: on the 18th, registrations for the 2024/2025 school year opened for primary and secondary schools and for the four-year experimental courses (there is time until February 10). While within a few days the Ministry of Education and Merit will communicate which ones will be the subjects of the second written exam for the 2024 high school diploma, the final high school state exam. And – as expected – full maturity has already begun.

Maturity 2023, from Quasimodo to Piero Angela via Oriana Fallaci: the traces of the Italian theme

What we already know

The statements of minister Giuseppe Valditara have given some more information to the approximately 500 thousand Italian students who on June 19th the tests will begin: to open, as usual, there will be the Italian text. According to the minister, there will only be “maintenance” of the current exam and therefore no last-minute changes or surprises. However, it is during the oral interview that Valditara underlined possible changes, hoping for “interdisciplinary connections” and not a simple question on all fifth year subjects, including civic education.

However, they may be included in the admission requirements PCTO credits, the Paths on Transversal Skills and Orientation (once called school-work alternation), which are different for each study path. These are 210 credits/hours in professional schools, 150 in technical institutes, 90 in high schools, gained in the last three years. Already included in the 2017 reform, they have always been extended (as a barrier to the exam) and are now expected to be made official. Certainly the program carried out as a PCT will have to be reported during the oral interview.

The final exams. (Getty Images)

Doubts and certainties about the 2024 maturity

Another doubt that will only be resolved at the end of the month is choice of the second characterizing subject for the writing: as the specialized site points out Skuola.netthey could also “exit” together mathematics and physics for science, and Greek and Latin for classical (based on Legislative Decree 62/2017 which says that the second test can include one, two or more subjects characterizing a field of study).

However, it remains mandatory to have carried out a the Invalsi test in March, but the result will not influence the final exam grade. As always, the examination commission will be composed of 3 internal teachers, 3 external commissioners and a president who is not internal to the school. The vote has also been confirmed and will be expressed in hundredths.

For the first written Italian test of June 19th the choice will be between 3 types of work to be done in 6 hours. The types are: text analysis (piece of prose or poetry), argumentative text (with 3 tracks from different fields, historical, artistic, economic, social, etc.), current affairs theme with 2 tracks on “hot” topics. June 20th instead it will be up to the second written test, which changes according to the direction of study undertaken.

