2023 was a sparkling breeding year for birds

The little wood monkey, the smallest heron in Flanders, has also never been as present in the last 50 years as in 2023. Natuurpunt has established more than 30 territories.

With 19 breeding cases, 2023 was the second best year for the short-eared owl. And its largest cousin, the eagle owl, also continues to conquer Flanders at a rapid pace. The Limburg cranes breed for the third consecutive year, making it clear that their choice of location was no coincidence.

It was previously known that 2023 was also special because of the presence of a pair of sea eagles, which settled in De Blankaart in the spring. Natuurpunt has already established that they are busy building their nest and that they exhibit mating behavior. Whether they will also breed this year remains to be seen.
