2022: Farming year for viticulture

2022: Farming year for viticulture

“At the moment all wines are fermenting, the richness of the juice looks good. That shows that there is a lot of quality present, I think the year 2022 will be remembered as a great vintage,” says Gido Van Imschoot , wine expert.

Despite its northern location, West Flemish wine production has had a good year this year. Normally you have to watch out for the spring frost, but there was none this year. In addition, there should not be too much rain in May and June, because then the blossoms are formed. But things can also go wrong in the summer months: during July and August, the winegrowers hope for no rain, but the temperature is also important. The combination of rain and too warm temperatures causes fungi on the ripening trusses.

The last step to a perfect wine is now in the hands of the winegrower.
