2000 fans and special tomcats for ADO’20: “As an amateur club we have nothing to lose against Emmen”

These are golden times for football club ADO’20 from Heemskerk. On Sunday, ‘the Superezels’ won the derby against rival DEM and on Wednesday, Eredivisie club FC Emmen awaits in the first round of the KNVB Cup.

The squatter against Emmen lives in the village. If you still want to buy tickets, you should be quick because, just like Sunday against DEM, a full house is expected at De Vlotter sports park with around 2000 spectators.

Bakker Jan Meijer will be one of them. He is a loyal supporter and sponsor of the third division club. He has made ADO’20 tomcats especially for the occasion. Mejer is hopeful that his club will make it a great game. “They will fight, I’m sure. And then we’ll just have to see how it ends. As long as it becomes a nice game.”

The selection completed the last training session last night and did so in a relaxed atmosphere. Trainer Roy van der Mije had his assistant Mitchel Haijen lead the training. Van der Mije is looking forward to the match against Emmen. “These are the matches you do it for. The boys just have to enjoy them. The pressure is great for Emmen, they have to beat us. We go into it very relaxed. As an amateur club, ADO’20 has nothing to lose. “
