#19 What the kick-off of Rutte IV teaches us about the coming cabinet term

Last Tuesday, Prime Minister Mark Rutte delivered the government statement in the House of Representatives. It was the kick-off of a debate that lasted for two days and in which the contours became visible of the political relations as we will see them in the coming term of office. A period in which the cabinet will have to keep looking for majorities in the Senate and in which – if we are to believe Mark Rutte – there will be more open debate in the House of Representatives.

In this Hague Affairs we discuss the striking moments from this debate. You will hear from Stéphane Alonso and Petra de Koning what these moments teach us about the way Rutte IV will function in the coming years. We discuss whether this was a flying start for the new cabinet and what could be seen of the new impetus and the promised new administrative culture. We also discuss the remarkable clash between various party leaders and the chairman of the House of Representatives, in response to the contribution of Geert Wilders.

@ffeboon // @pdekoning // @alonsoNRC

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Also listen to the episode we made earlier about the changing political culture in the House of Representatives


Also read these articles by Petra de Koning, Stéphane Alonso, Rik Rutten and Christiaan Pelgrim about the debate





Floor Boon
Petra the King & Stéphane Alonso
Editorial & production:
Ignace Schoot & Iris Verhulsdonk
Pieter Bakker


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