19-strong track and field team at the World Indoor Championships

Berlin (AP) – The German Athletics Association is sending a 19-man selection to the World Indoor Championships in Belgrade from Friday to Sunday next week.

As announced by the DLV, twelve athletes and seven female athletes will compete, including the sprinters Gina Lückenkemper and Tatjana Pinto as well as the former European triple jump champion Max Hess. Not least because of the absence of Malaika Mihambo, the German squad at the World Indoor Championships only has outsider chances.

The Olympic long jump champion has already ended her indoor season like many other athletes. Mihambo is already starting to prepare for the outdoor season, which this year has two highlights within a short space of time. The World Championships will take place in Eugene, Oregon in the US in mid-July, followed by the home European Championships in Munich just a month later.
